Get more visitors to your website
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a set of techniques that help search engines like Google find and understand your web pages. SEO helps your website to appear in an optimal position within search results.

Ready to go, out of the box

We provide a complete SEO toolkit to help your entire site rank for different search terms and search engines. It can keep you on track with suggestions for improvement, and covers the bulk of ever-changing SEO best practice.

All our sites also come configured with metadata optimised for search, such as titles, descriptions, schemas and alt-tags.

Monitor your performance

You have to know how you’re doing now before you can plan and quantify improvements. This begins with analytics.

All our sites come with an Analytics option as standard, and the facility to easily add more tags and scripts to suit your particular analytics needs. Track key metrics such as page views, users and bounce rate against the previous period, along with an interpretation of key events that may impact or explain these statistics.

We can also help you configure analytics that is GDPR compliant.

Research and target

When it comes to search ranking, it’s not just about what you do, but what your competition are doing. You have to compete with other websites for the higher search result spots, and understanding how someone else has the spot you want goes a long way to getting there yourself.

We can help you research the best search terms to optimise for, including terms you can fight for, and terms that aren’t being taken advantage of and are easy to start ranking for.

Optimise content

It’s not quite as simple as including the keyword dozens of times anymore, but your site content is paramount to search engines understanding what you do, and the context in which you do it.

Re-writing or tweaking your page content for different users and search terms is a great way to get search engines to rank your website higher. We can help.

Link building

The more websites link to yours, the better. It helps to drive referral traffic and increases your site’s authority – something search engines take note of. Coming up with a link building strategy is a key part of boosting your search rankings.

Directories and local search

If your business operates in a specific local area, then you already have a leg up on search rankings, especially in crowded sectors with lots of similar suppliers. Optimising both your website and directory listings for local searches means you appear higher in the results for people searching for what you do in your local area.

Want to bring more people to your website?

Talk to us today about the various SEO options available to you and generate more traffic.

Need help or support?

We’ve all been there. Support for our website customers is now managed on a ticketing system, to make sure you get the help you need as quickly as possible.

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